It’s been a weird few years, each and every one of us has been changed in some way by the experience of a global pandemic. Now, more than ever, it’s important for the industry to get together and find unity again. Networking, social gatherings, laughter, new ideas, and finding human connection is essential, and an industry tradeshow like IBIE 2022 is the perfect venue!

Here is a list of the 7 most important reasons you should be attending a food industry specific trade show, post pandemic.

1. Find the latest food industry technology

With so many people working from home or gradually going back into the office, attending an in person trade show will keep you staying on top of the food industry changes and trends that have happened over the last couple of years. Particularly in the fastest growing segment, technology. Technology & food software is rapidly changing; that means that you need to stay up to date if you’re going to keep up with regulations and competition.

2. Food software and machinery demonstrations

Viewing food software and machinery online is the industry norm, although we may be a little biased since we are a bakery software manufacturer. It is very expensive to travel to different suppliers just to see their products, but most people (when given the opportunity) prefer to see a product in person while chatting face-to-face with the team who supports it.

Why not sign up for a demonstration with one of our product consultants ahead of time

3. Attend live classes & discussions

It’s tough to find time in your busy work and personal life for additional classes and organized discussion groups, but it’s important to continuously hone your skills and learn from others. Attending trade shows gives you the break necessary to be able to fit in an extra class or a thought-provoking discussion.

4. Meet food software and industry vendors in person

Having the opportunity to meet your vendors and suppliers in person is a great way to gauge the companies you work with, their team’s dedication, and other industry professional’s reaction to them. You can learn a lot about a company from chatting with one of their team members.

You can sign up for a meeting with one of our team members

5. Compare all your options in one place

Having many suppliers and their products in one place allows you to compare options side-by-side. It’s difficult to go through an hour long demonstration with a company and then try to compare that demonstration with another demonstration the next week. Your feelings or attitude may have changed, you may forget small details, or you may feel like you’ve already chosen and not be attentive. A trade show is a controlled environment to compare products side-by-side.

6. Watch trade show competitions

Competition stirs up the passion we sometimes lose during the daily grind. Competing at trade shows is a great way to show others why you love doing what you do. If you aren’t one for competing, you also have the opportunity to watch other professionals and may pick up new skills or tricks, simply by observing them in their element.

7. Be able to focus without business distractions

When you are evaluating big decisions like purchasing machinery or switching software, it can feel daunting if you are unable to fully focus on choosing the right product. At a trade show you can fully immerse yourself in research, plus have all the tools in front of you including: the product, the demonstration, other professionals to chat with, and best of all – there isn’t any distractions.